Friday, May 18, 2012

New Beginnings, New Blog

I’ve tried blogging before, and I wasn’t faithful to it. Oops.

I’m trying again. Emphasis on the word ‘try.’ Since I’m embarking on my new and exciting post-grad life, maybe I’ll actually keep to it.

Speaking of post-grad life, here are some exciting developments and changes going on right now:
-I have a new computer that- fingers crossed!- won’t die on my like every other laptop I’ve owned. In fact, this is its inaugural posting. Welcome it warmly.
-I am determined to become one of those people that send old school ‘thank you’ notes to people. So far, I’ve been successful. (Hint: one of my love languages is through written word)
-After talking with financial aid people, I think I’m going to try saying “no” when people ask if they can put me on hold. Not because I’m in a big rush, but because I think it would be a funny experiment.
-Job hunting makes me think that I would be a terrible real-life hunter because I am neither aggressive nor particularly adept at finding things in their natural habitat.
-My disdain for 24 hour news networks grows daily (Old Alert! Or perhaps from this point on, I will label them #OA to hold on to some shred of my youth. But if you must know, I hate it when people use hashtags on a non-Twitter medium. It just doesn’t make sense…#OA)
-I realized that if I didn’t start grad school in a few days, I WOULD BE FINISHED WITH SCHOOL.
-I’ve received yet another wedding invitation. #OA

I’m visiting extended family tomorrow, so I’m sure that will provide me with more compelling material. If you have met my extended family, you know/wonder four things:
                                    -Can red hair be a dominate gene?
                                    -Neurosis is definitely genetic.
                                    -Megan and her immediate family are definitely the calm ones.
                                    -Self-deprecation and humor must be the 6th love language.

Oh, and my mother witnessed a stray cat attack a bird this morning. Before you are horrified, know that it went down like this:   (Except substitute a bird for the baby)

That’s a great mental image to end with. 

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